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The Commonly used Concepts In Christian-Muslim Relations



It is not an easy task, that of a calm dialogue between Christians and Muslims, due to several historical reasons that established centuries of dispute, conflict and misunderstanding. However, the necessity today, requires a quest for a common ground of co-habitation, compromise, peace and cooperation, in order to establish a new kind of relations, away from all kinds of conflict, of the past and present, which resulted only in misery, pain and hatred, which are considered as a leaving of the spirit of religion and an acceptance of Satan’s appeal.

It is a hard test , that both Muslims and Christians are asked to pass, in order to perform what God sent down in their Gospel and Koran, the Gospel of love and the Koran of mercy, so to accomplish what God recommended them to have as a duty towards people, regardless of those other people’s attitude towards them, if not then, where is that arguing in the “way that is better”, if there is no “bad deed” committed by the other as it is cited in the Koran, and what virtue you have, if you greeted  only your brothers, and what’s the reward, if you only loved those who loved you as the Gospel says; it is in such a manner that hatred would disappear, and intimate loyalty spreads between the different parties.

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